New Fire Trucks for the Tasmanian Fire Service
Bell Fire and Rescue (Queensland) was pleased to be chosen by the Tasmanian Fire Service to design and manufacture the latest in firefighting technology and to deliver the most advanced firefighting appliances to Hobart and Launceston.
Features include a fire monitor on the roof of the trucks that will each deliver 4000 litres of water per minute when at capacity. The inbuilt compressed air foam system (CAFS) will allow these appliances to be used at many types of incidences such as structure fires, during asset protection at bush fires on the urban interface and, difficult to extinguish fires such as the Victorian Hazelwood mine fire in February 2014 when similar vehicles from Tasmania came over on the Spirit of Tasmania to support the Victorian effort.
Other features of the vehicles include a “low tone siren” which causes vibrations as well as sound, battery operated road crash rescue equipment, four x 150-watt mast lights for enhanced crew and public safety, touch screen computerised pump control panel, and advanced driver safety features.
Quote attributable to TFS Chief Officer Chris Arnol
“These trucks are the most technologically advanced in Australia with state-of-the-art safety features to keep our firefighters safe while moving in the vehicle and when it is stationary at incidents.”
Quote attributable to Queensland Manager Bell Fire and Rescue Alan Brooks
“Bell in conjunction with our Queensland facility were pleased to be working closely with the Tasmanian Fire Service to deliver what is the most advanced in Compressed Air Foam Systems designed by Bell.”
Quote attributable to General Manager Bell Fire and Rescue Peter Fowler
“Bell fire and rescue has also recently delivered a new vehicle to the Northern Territory as well as the Tasmanian fire service and will do all we can to support Australian agencies and Australian manufacturing jobs.”
Contact: Peter Fowler 0407 176 018 | pfowler@bellenvironmental.com.au
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